SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
We boost your search optimization through inbound linking, and keyword research, and we’ll help you steadily climb your way up the search engine rankings. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the activity of optimizing Web pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine friendly.
SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query.
It must be stressed that because the Internet has no governing body, there is no standard procedure for search engine registrations; every search engine has its own set of rules, regulations, guidelines anmad submission criteria. Consequently, while the utmost care is taken and expertise is applied to achieve positive results. We cannot predict how high your site will be ranked in search engine results; nor can it be guaranteed that your site will be indexed at all - the individual search engine administrators make that decision.
For each of the tactics listed below, We will submit to you a report documenting every step that was undertaken on your behalf of your web site. It will include a list of the relevant search engines and Web directories at which your address was registered and the details that were submitted. The report will enable you to monitor your site's ranking.
Price: INR 75,000.00
Search Engines: Google, Bing , Yahoo, DMos, Altavista, AOL, Webcrawler, Lycos, Hotbot etc...
Optimization: Keyword, Titletag, Metatag, Browser Compatibility, Robot, Sitemap, Image Alttag, All Pages Optimized
Link Submission: 100 Oneway link Submission
SEO Analytics Report: Monthly Report Submitted
Keywords Suggestions: You provide us with 25 or more keywords of your choice, we guarantee any 15 keywords from your list for first page ranking.
Maintenance: Month Fee of INR 5000 Per Month be charged for reports and keyword position improvements
99.999% Guranteed Ranking, 100% Individual Page Optimized